In 1893, Clicquot Club was the first to put a metal cap on a bottle; in 1934, the first to sell quart bottles; and in 1938 the company became the first to sell its beverages in a can, at this time known as a "cone-top" can, making it easier to manufacture. After 80 years of operation, the company was bought by�Cott Beverage Corporation�in 1965 and eventually dissolved.
In 1893, Clicquot Club was the first to put a metal cap on a bottle; in 1934, the first to sell quart bottles; and in 1938 the company became the first to sell its beverages in a can, at this time known as a "cone-top" can, making it easier to manufacture. After 80 years of operation, the company was bought by�Cott Beverage Corporation�in 1965 and eventually dissolved.